cednets -.-. . -.. -. . - ...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Bewitching Time!
Yes, it's that time of the year again.

Talk of ghosts, goblins, and (of course) scary movies!

E-Mail me cednets@yahoo.com your favorite scary movie - along with comments! I'll post a list of the top ones submitted.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Mysterious Fan Marks Poe's Birthday
". . . for the 56th year, a man stole into a locked graveyard early on Edgar Allan Poe's birthday and placed three roses and a half-empty bottle of cognac on the writer's grave."
. . .
"No one . . . knows the identity of the so-called "Poe Toaster." The visit was first documented in 1949, a century after Poe's death."

Read the whole story at Yahoo! News - Mysterious Fan Marks Poe's Birthday
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Ghosts, Spooks, and Spectors Haunt Town
"By Jeremy Lovell

"EXETER, England (Reuters) - If local legend is true, there are almost as many ghosts wandering the streets of the ancient English city of Exeter as there are people.

"Dating back at least to Roman times more than 2,000 years ago, the riverside city in the rural southwestern county of Devon claims to be the most haunted place in England.

"'I could talk all night and still not finish telling you all about our ghosts and legends,' said city guide David Fantarrow on a tour of Exeter."

Check out the whole Reuters - Oddly Enough Story!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Head of Haunted School Allows Students to Go Home
Haunted School

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Fear of a ghost who knocks on doors and wafts the scent of aftershave lotion along corridors has forced a prestigious college for statisticians in the Indian capital to close.

Students of the Indian Statistical Institute said the ghost of a dead classmate had knocked on doors, jostled them on staircases and left traces of aftershave lotion and cigarette smoke, the Times of India said.

Students linked the aftershave aroma to a first-year student who died last month of a rare heart condition.

"A fear psychosis had gripped some students. We thought it was best to allow them to go home if they wanted to," the newspaper quoted Rajeev Karandikar, head of the prestigious institute, as saying.

Thursday, July 29, 2004
Car Commercial Ghost (White Mist)

Here's a funny Car Commercial Ghost link from the folks at Halloween's Unseen Ghost Pictures

I thought it was really hilarious!
Thursday, June 03, 2004
All About Ghosts - Your Paranormal Portal

Want a place to see or even submit ghost stories surrounding your area? Then look to this link:
All About Ghosts - Your Paranormal Portal

I was particularly interested in the stories on the Utah page. I found these to be sometimes eerie and sometimes just funny - about places with which I'm familiar, but about most of which I have not heard these ghost stories!
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Longleat - World's Longest Hedge Maze
I've always been fascinated with hedge mazes ever since seeing The Shining (even though in the book, which I've also read, it was hedge animals)....

Longleat - World's Longest Hedge Maze: "Made up of more than 16,000 English Yews, Longleat's spectacular hedge maze was first laid out in 1975 by the designer Greg Bright.
Extended by a further 150 metres in 1989, and opened to the public in 1999, it now covers an area of around 0.6 hectares (1.48 acres) with a total pathway length of 2.72 kilometres (1.69 miles).

Unlike most other conventional mazes it's actually three-dimensional, with six wooden bridges offering tantalising glimpses towards the elusive centre of the maze.
Now officially recognised as the World's Longest Hedge Maze in the Guinness Book of Records, it's an enormously popular attraction with Longleat's visitors who take an average of 90 minutes to complete it! "

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Found something strange, bizzare, or mysterious? cednets@yahoo.com